ENS Ecosystem Working Group Feedback Form

ENS Ecosystem Working Group Feedback Form
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What is the ENS Ecosystem Working Group?

ENS stands for Ethereum Name Service. As part of the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that is responsible for growing the ENS protocol, the ENS Ecosystem Working Group is responsible for growing and improving the ENS Ecosystem by funding people and projects that are related to the advancement of ENS.
Examples of ENS Ecosystem funded projects include:
  • ETH.Limo
  • ENS Fairy
  • ENS Registrations Bot
  • ENS DAO Newsletter
You can find more information about Stewards, Meetings, Proposals, and more on the ENS DAO website here: https://basics.ensdao.org/ens-ecosystem-wg

How did ENS Ecosystem WG use DeForm?

The ENS Ecosystem Working Group used DeForm to create a feedback form that collects ENS name, verified wallet account, feedback on the weekly meeting calls, and potential suggestions or ideas on ways that the working group can better support the ENS ecosystem and drive adoption of ENS.
DeForm provides the easiest way to verify wallet information via a beautiful and custom form builder experience. It’s the most powerful web3 form that can be used for research and feedback purposes.
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How can I use DeForm for research and feedback?

You can get started at https://deform.cc today!
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Albert Hu

Written by

Albert Hu